Monday, February 06, 2006
... how many to change the light bulb?

| | VIEWPOINT Matt Prescott |
Governments are wrestling with problems of rising energy demands, rising costs and the spectre of climate change. In this week's Green Room, Dr Matt Prescott argues there is an easy first step to dealing with all three issues - banning the traditional light bulb.
| They waste so much energy that if they were invented today, it is highly unlikely they would be allowed onto the market Matt Prescott |
Listening to most politicians, you would think the world's energy problems can be solved only by building ever bigger power stations and burning ever more fuel.
Not so; and it certainly cannot solve the coming climate crisis. After turning off unnecessary pieces of equipment, improved energy efficiency is the cheapest way for developing countries to maximise their use of limited energy supplies, and for developed countries to achieve cuts in their carbon dioxide emissions.
One quick and simple option for improving energy efficiency would be to make greater use of compact fluorescent light bulbs.
Each one of these bulbs produces the same amount of light as an incandescent light bulb whilst being responsible for the emission of 70% less carbon dioxide. It also saves money; about £7 ($12) per year in the UK, more or less in other countries depending on electricity prices...
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